www.floristindia.in reserve the right to make fair and reasonable substitutions according to the practical availability of specific flower types and containers worldwide.
When we receive a flower order from customers, every effort is made to create an arrangement of the shape, size and colour and using any flower varieties specified, according to the order description. Specific flower types may be indicated on the order, either by actual description or in the content of an item from the product list.
In the case where a specific flower type or colour is unavailable within the given time frame of delivery in that locality, substitutions may be used within the arrangement to achieve the same overall shape, style and colour effect and to ensure that the order is delivered on time.
Flowers of a similar shape, size and value but different type and colour may be used if other flowers in the 'arrangement' substitute for that colour and the overall effect of the arrangement is maintained.
In arrangements of a single flower variety (eg rose bouquet), the flower variety will take precedence over colour. However we utmost take care of customers desire we request our customers to be ready for a substitution in their order description to allow for any difficulty in supplying the order to exact specification.
In case of where substitution is done we follow the hierarchy of importance given below.
Delivery time of the order, followed by.
Color preferences, followed by.
The overall style of the arrangement, followed by.